Black holes separate space and time

In his theory of relativity, Einstein describes that at a certain pressure atoms and waves are so highly compressed that energy and matter could change from one form to another i.e. matter could become energy and energy matter. Just in his golden age of theoretical physics, space was described as nothing. He knew that time varied from place to place depending on various factors like the power and movement of star systems present in the region. He thought that this is what it was. He unified space and time and described space-time as a physical property and thus showed relative motion with reference to time also. Now as I study the same, I am getting interested in black holes. Black holes are regions of extreme density where mass is compressed in a very small region. Black holes, especially super massive ones, are extremely powerful. They rip asteroids and eat up stars. But where does all this material go and what is the procedure in its journey? Black holes are powerful enough that they have the power to separate space and time itself. Time is not a physical property. So only space is pulled in by the gravity of the black holes. Time cannot travel beyond the event horizon of the black holes. This is why I think time is frozen inside black hole. Thus Einstein’s very law that space and time are unified breaks down at the edge of the black hole.

How I got to this conclusion?

Space and time are waves and a fluid. Black holes create whirpools in this fluid. Extreme time dilation around the black hole essentially should stop time at the edge of the black hole and space continues to flow into the black hole faster than light. Therefore, I believe black hole separates space and time.


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