Radio signals detectable

How can we detect radio signals? What are signals? They are the waves that travel through space and time and are found in abundance around black holes. For example, Sagittarius A is a radio signal emitted by the black hole which is at the centre of our galaxy. These may be found around & in other objects, too, I suppose. In fact, they are the ones that are crossing through not only us but also through stars and galaxies every second. We may be just like atoms in front of the power of the radio signals in space. But they hold some hidden mysteries that may be the culprits behind blocking our easy detection of the radio signals. I have an idea as to how we can detect them easily. Radio signals are like any other waves. They can be detected if some or the other sensitive metals are used. If we attach a 15 meter wide and 15 meter long disc made up of one of those sensitive metals along with 3-4 layers of such discs made up of other sensitive material one above the other to our probes, we could detect radio-signals. This way, in the future, we may even capture some of those waves which, surely, will help our understanding of black hole shoot up. So, now, detecting black holes shouldn’t be a problem, I guess. And as Hawking says there might be alien universes on the other side of the black hole or as I say, extra-dimensions could also be detected. But for those possibilities to increase, we need to start searching for more of these mysterious objects called black holes.

How I got to this conclusion?
When I thought and learnt about the amount of information radio signals (radio waves) can provide, I thought it was essential to have sensitive plates of metal which would give a better chance of low frequency signals.


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