
What are Magnetars? When huge stars upto 35 to 40 times the mass of our Sun with an extremely powerful magnetic field go super nova, they form a neutron star. But in rare cases, these neutron stars, do not further collapse into black-holes or white dwarfs. They, instead, form a balance between their magnetic forces and the star’s inward pull and form a magnetar. These have extremely strong magnetic fields, so much so, that they can even break the chemical bonding between the electrons, protons and other sub atomic particles in the atom’s nuclei. Probably one of these could split the singularity and make the atoms of densely locked up matter flow freely and thus the black-hole would lose all its power. This shows that there are natural phenomenon which can destroy the black hole and reunites space and time at the same point. This way we could also find out how two places could get connected and how space could be bent by doing a simple experiment of searching for magnetars that are near the black hole and their effect on the curved space, near the black hole. So missions from earth could also probably carry powerful magnets to stop the effect of black hole or the effect of twisted magnetic fields on the surface of the sun. Or probably the magnetic forces of a magnetar could bend time itself. So by this explanation of mine, what I also realized is that near a magnetar planets or other celestial bodies could experience no difference between the past, the present or the future; time would be a single frozen entity which at the nearest point near a magnetar would unite in the sense the past, the present and the future would unite.

How I got to this conclusion?

Learning about the properties stands by scientists that a magnetar possess and the fact that magnetars are characterized to have crazy powerful magnetic fields got me to think about other impact they could have on their surroundings; example – a time around them and essentially could rip the singularity of a black hole.


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