Sound waves play a major role in the working of the space time continual. I believe the vibrations that the powerful sound waves create are powerful enough to shape the space-time continual. Reshaping the space time continual has large scale impacts on the universe at large. That’s how I believe sound is another force that could help us time travel. If pressure and sound combine, can sustain for some time at a place with a concentration, they can form holes in the fabric of space time and I believe every past time period, is only past from our perspective. In the perspective of other parallel universes that past is the present and therefore I believe, the sound plays a major role in shaping our past, present and future. The vibrations make sure that every event in the universe is recorded and stored in the space time continual and therefore I believe black holes carry these events and make them possible in other universes. This is little confusing, but the fact is that somewhere in the universe the event is recorded and that explain, my perception of how time works.
How I got to this conclusion?
As I thought about it, sound waves or for that matter any vibrations are good enough to shape space and time. This also means that space-time could be ripped. So as the space-time would rip, events that were stored in space time would also be stored in the rip. Therefore, I believe the black holes carry the universe’s past, present and future.
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