I am Armaan, a 14 year old Black hole Theoretical Physicist from India. From the age of 4, the moon, the stars, and various twinkling objects in the night sky fascinated me for years. Gradually this fascination of mine turned into a passion. I developed my own opinions and pictures of the cosmos, based on various studies, made by other scientists. Einstein’s laws about, space not really being nothing, have specially interested me, and so I wrote a paper ‘Vacuum is a Physical Property’. As the dynamics of space caught my eye, I imagined the unlimitedness of space. However mathematics is not my cup of tea. I have watched online lectures of many physicists and they have helped me, directly or indirectly, prove my theories.
Nothing in this universe, is actually real .Many of the things, we think, we know, may be our imagination, or just an illusion to our eyes. Our universe is just beginning to be understood by us. Theories about space, in the field of cosmology, are constantly evolving. The 20th Century has been extremely successful, for theoretical physicists as well as astronomical observers. What my theories on dimensions and time, describe, may seem pretty bizarre. However they do try to logically explain the mysteries of the cosmos.
The forces like magnetism, gravity and the centrifugal force that the great people like Newton discovered interest me a lot. It was this interest that further raised my curiosity about Blackholes. Blackholes are a topic of infinite data and infinite confusion. They twist Einstein’s laws in ways beyond imagination.
“What are Blackholes? What is time? What are the thermodynamics of space? How is the human mind so different? What is the edge of our cosmos?” – My Website is an attempt to answer some of this questions.
How does the cosmos work?
To start with the cosmos must form and take shape to work. The most popular theory suggests that the cosmos came into existence 13.7 billion years ago in an event called the big bang. But everything coming from nothing seems crazy. In the way that we can produce a computerized digitalized simulation probably we are a simulation of a higher dimensional universe and they produced 3D simulation. The matter, the energy all of it require something to run. In 1686, the theory of gravity revolutionarised our conception of the universe. But the perception that Newton and Einstein had about gravity could have been slightly wrong, I suppose. The objects must be producing some vibrating waves better known as gravitational waves. This frequency of waves could be reacting with the magnetic fields of stars, planets etc. and causing it to stay in the orbit. This is my perception of gravity. The next most important force is time. I believe the objects as they moved through vacuum would create certain vibrations as they were moving with a force. This caused what we call time. Objects and waves moving in relation to each other is time. The flow of time was kind of meant to be, as nothing else would run without time. There is yet a very important substance that the universe carried. While forming, this substance caused life and this was a magnetic substance which made connections to form what we call the brain. The brain took two different shapes – one was an ever developing structure and the other would stop developing in a particular time. This formed the simple life and the complex life. All began from a single cell and a complicated single cell. The single cell just multiplied in number and formed gazillions of bacteria that we see today. The complex one, however, had some sense which eventually developed into a human brain. And our solar system, the temperature of the sun and things going just right so that the earth could hold life. This seems pretty impossible. Every force in the universe somehow is contributing which results in complex life form on the earth. This seems quite like someone created it and it was meant for a cause. The idea that the fourth dimension created us, thus, came into picture. Probably the human mind was what propelled the solar system to hold life. Light is another doubtful aspect. The photons that our eyes are designed to sense may not be the most reliable information. This might just be a picture of the universe that the fourth dimension might be wanting us to see. I am able to say all this as the human brain is not in control of anything. We can perceive ourselves to be one of the most complicated forms of life ever formed. But even then there are things in the universe that are absurd and beyond any explanation, like black holes. I believe that the waves that produced gravity have ripped the fabric of vacuum forming the black holes and this may will be a hint that they produced for us to discover their world. Senses that we have like touch, smell, view may well be controlled by higher dimensional universe. The universe also possesses forces like heat and media like radiation which are vibrating particles. I believe that these vibrating particles are the type of energy source that could rip a hole in the fabric of space itself. I also have written in one of my papers that these could be a vibrating particle of time that would have formed our universe and the black holes. This particle of time may have well been the particle that survived the collision of matter and anti-matter, made the forces run through time and executed our universe. Now here is where the problem beings. Is time recorded? The human brain has a section called the memory in which all the incidents of your life are somewhere stored in the subconscious; but this seem kind of weird. What has happened must never return; it is over. Is it? Probably everything that has happened with us in the past is still going on in some parallel universe. That is exactly why we are able to remember every incident of our life after some efforts. And this is exactly how time runs. Now if we talk about light and how reliable a source it is? A mirror shows us exactly what is happening in front of it. But even electro-magnetic waves that are the fastest in the universe as we know, take some time to reach the mirror and reflect back in our eyes, which means we are actually seeing not how the world in front of the mirror looks at present, but the same world and how it looked 0.2 to 0.3 seconds back. As Einstein described 100 years ago, vacuum contain a substance called ether. Therefore vacuum has a density of its own. It is close to zero, but not zero. Therefore, time runs slower in ether than in gases.