
Black holes – The mystery of the event horizon

Black holes are magnificent objects. They essentially bend the fabric of the space – time and gravity so…

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Hawking Radiation Tweaked

The vibrations that the gravitational waves of the black hole produce create ripples in the fabric of space…

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Formation of Metals, twist in time and extra dimensions in negative integers

How are metals formed? Metals are formed deep in cores of stars where throughout the stars’ lives they…

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A new particle that could travel through time

Time, as we know it, runs uniformly through a particular region. But I feel, in twisted magnetic fields…

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What are Magnetars? When huge stars upto 35 to 40 times the mass of our Sun with an…

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Hunting for stars like ours which are suitable to hold habitable planets.

The average brightness of a star throughout its life multiplied by the average energy the star gives us…

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Unlimited cosmos and unlimited time

The universe is vast compared to us and our planet. A distance on our planet that may seem…

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Fourth Dimension (How can we observe the things that we do not know about such as white holes, gama-ray bursts, extra dimensions being shredded etc.)

How is the idea of there being extra dimensions in the universe? There could be dimensions other than…

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Was our universe created from a black-hole?

How was our universe created? Some say it was created in a violent explosion known as the big-bang,…

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How are White holes formed?

Photon in a very confusing phenomenon. It is some times a particle and some times a wave. A…

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