Fourth Dimension (How can we observe the things that we do not know about such as white holes, gama-ray bursts, extra dimensions being shredded etc.)

How is the idea of there being extra dimensions in the universe? There could be dimensions other than the three dimensions that we know. A black hole is very close to creating the fourth dimension as it takes us to a place that is not just behind the black hole and we do not know where that place is; but still it would be called 3D. For that to be four dimensional universe we should be able to imagine something that is four dimensional.
The black hole leads us to the fourth dimension, as the place across the black hole is directly giving us a leap through space and time to a place that may exist in the universe but is not within the reach of the black hole. Thus, it is taking us to a fourth dimensional universe. Stiffen Hawking proposed that black hole takes us to another universe; but mind you Hawking, this is the four dimensional universe. The principle that a black hole uses to take us there, there needs to be an explosion that could shatter space and time and create the fourth dimension.
Whatever we see since our birth till our death is only one, two or three dimensional. If immediately after a child opens his eyes, he is shown an imaginary video containing four dimensions, then the child would be able to imagine and picturise a fourth dimensional universe and make such objects to use them here. Seems like a three dimensional universe won’t be able to accept a four dimensional thing. So we need to create a place with no dimension that would eventually encourage the new dimension to come up. We need to search for a blast at least twice as big as any supernova observed, so that we could observe the places of violent events like super novae where the three dimensional space-time fabric is ripped apart. These are the places where there is the biggest possibility in the cosmos of there being extra dimensions. Extra dimensions- they are there, all we need to do is to look at it from a different perspective and we realise that black holes are passages, not only through space and time but also through dimensions.
The human mind is 3D; but the limits of human imagination cannot be controlled by three existing dimensions. Human mind can imagine extra dimensions. It’s not out of reach. It is just like a grain of diamond in a ton of gold and any person walking into it would easily ignore that grain. In this three dimensional world we are ignoring the single clue that could lead us to the unimaginable. All we need is to grab it.
Looking at the complex working of our universe it seems what we see is not enough to describe what we experience. There require to be more dimensions stars, gravity etc. cannot fit in the three dimensional universe. Therefore o came to the conclusion that extra dimensions in negative integers will be there particles with negative mass, atomic number exist. Black holes are the clear evidence linking two regions in space, nowhere close by geography. I believe the fourth dimension (creatures in the fourth dimensions) created an animation film in three dimensions of which we are all a part.


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