
‘Time’ is a word like ‘is’ and ‘the’ created by our languages. Time is just another word. But…

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Fourth Dimension

Take two points A and B. What is the shortest route for A to reach B? Everyone would…

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1/6 of vacuum

Vacuum, well what is it? Something very different from our world. Vacuum is not affected by any kind…

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Are we the creation of higher dimensional beings? And could life have been contagious?

Life as we know it, do we really known what life is? Some say that it is the…

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Sound and its implication on space time fabric

Sound waves play a major role in the working of the space time continual. I believe the vibrations…

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Vacuum Mill

Vacuum is not nothing. It is something. I believe, what Einstein called ether is that something. Vacuum or…

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Time dilation around the black hole

An object outside the black hole when gets into black hole’s gravitational field gets crushed; but not just…

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What is reality?

It is a constant; there is the only and ultimate reality. However, there are about 15 billion perspectives…

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What happens to objects falling into black holes?

When an object enters the black hole, it enters into a swirling pool of liquid vacuum. This is…

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Is the human brain responsible for our survival?

Was there a need for us to come? Was there a need in a chaos dominated universe for…

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Black holes – The mystery of the event horizon

Black holes are magnificent objects. They essentially bend the fabric of the space – time and gravity so…

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Hawking Radiation Tweaked

The vibrations that the gravitational waves of the black hole produce create ripples in the fabric of space…

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